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Personal Accident and Critical Illness
Personal Accident Insurance
In the event you suffer an injury which leaves you unable to work, we're able to provide you with a policy which is designed to pay out a lump sum to help you until you're able to work again.
Why buy personal accident insurance?
For a small cost you'll get the following benefits:
- lump sum payment or weekly payments depending on the type of injury sustained.
Please contact us to find out more.

Critical Illness Insurance
Critical illness insurance will pay out a lump sum in the event you become ill with one of the named illnesses on the insurance policy.
The payment will generally be made in a single pay-out and will allow you to have financial backup following an illness.
Please contact us to find out how we can assist.

Bespoke and Affordable Insurance
Call us on 0207 078 7540 - contact us or chat online
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